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I pledge to follow the TYSA Athlete’s Code of Conduct:

  •  I agree to support our team in a positive manner and showcase good sportsmanship toward all players, coaches, referees and game officials. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support and respect for all officials, coaches, players, cheerleaders and TYSA Board of Commissioners.

  •  I am accountable for the results of my behavior toward my teammates and my opponents, coaches, referees, and game officials.

  •  I will respect other athletes (including my teammates and my opponents), coaches, referees, and game officials at all times.

  •  I will honor the sport by playing within the rules during games, practices, events or competitions.

  •  I will respect the game and the other athletes (my teammates and my opponents), and I will refrain from the use of any profane, vulgar, lewd, obscene language or gesture while participating in, attending, or watching any TYSA sponsored game, practice, event, or competition.

  •  I will refrain from any action(s) that causes a disruption, creates an unsafe environment, or interferes with the game.

  •  I will refrain from fighting, taunting, bullying or any action that may harm, endanger, threaten, or bring discomfort to any athlete (including my teammates and my opponents).

  •  I agree to shake hands with the other team at the conclusion of all games.

  •  I agree to put my team first and put forth my best effort on the field in support of team goals.

  •  I agree to give my best effort in the classroom and listen to my teachers.


I hereby acknowledge that I will adhere to the TYSA Athlete’s Code of Conduct and the TYSA Rules &Procedures and I fully understand if I violate them, I will be held accountable for my behavior. Any violations will result in immediate action by TYSA, including but not limited to suspension from attending games and practices, and/or ejection from the playing field area and/or park complex.

Thanks for making our program safe and enjoyable for all!

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